Kids Krafternoon w/ Estrella
Kids hanging out with kids crafting for a bit before lunchtime.
Sunday, 22.09 from 10:30am-12pm
Duration: 1.5 hours
Estrella will be hosting a kids krafternoon on at mijas, ideal for children between 4-10 years old. We will be snacking, chilling, getting our creative craft on. ✂️✏️ Paper, scissors, glue, recycled materials, and small snacks and water provided. Feel free to bring your own pair of scissors and water bottle!
**Spaces are limited to six kids ages 4-10. Sliding scale donation from 10-20 to cover material costs and small snacks. Cash or PayPal payment in person. Sign up directly by messaging us on Instagram or by sending us an email 💌
Spread the word to any parents you know!